Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Our Trip to DjangoGirls Ensenada, Mexico

This weekend, Daniel and I drove down to Ensenada, Mexico to speak and coach at DjangoGirls Ensenada. It was a 2-day workshop for women of any level of experience to get a taste of web application development.

A photo posted by Audrey Roy Greenfeld (@pyaudrey) on

The event was organized by DjangoGirlsMX with the help of the US Consulate General of Tijuana and the non-profit Hala Ken.

We asked the US Consulate and Hala Ken about why they decided to get involved. They answered that Django Girls workshops fit perfectly into two of their major areas of interest: new technology and women's empowerment.

We were honored to be invited as guest speakers and appreciative of the opportunity, knowing that we could make a big difference showing women new to Django that we cared.

At the end of the morning session, we gave a talk to inspire attendees to keep going with their programming journey. It was called "Programming Gives You Superpowers." Here are the slides.

Note: for fun we made the cover image a little fancier after the talk, otherwise it's the same :)

It was a fantastic experience getting to spend time with the web development community of Tijuana/Ensenada. So many of the Python Tijuana and Django Girls Tijuana organizers and members drove out to Ensenada and spent the night in hotels to help make this happen. We had fun coaching alongside them after our talk.

My co-author, co-presenter, co-everything husband PyDanny also blogged his account of it: My First Django Girls Event

Finally, we had such a great time that we're now working on planning an upcoming Inland Empire DjangoGirls/RailsGirls event. All are invited to help: RSVP here or here for the May 30 planning session.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Two Scoops of Django 1.8 is out!

Daniel Roy Greenfeld and I have updated Two Scoops of Django to 1.8, since Django 1.8 is a Long Term Support version.

The book is now available as a PDF. I know this will make a lot of folks happy! The print paperback is coming soon (US and India editions to start).

More info: http://twoscoopspress.org/products/two-scoops-of-django-1-8

I wrote half the book, including some of the rather difficult parts :) I also did the illustrations. The book is filled with a ton of weird cartoons and silly humor.

Enjoy, and hope it's helpful!